Lenscript Browser Demo



Action Log

About This Demo

This page is designed to serve as a reference implementation for the Lenscript engine.

In Lenscript an implementation of the engine into a specific platform is referred to as an interface. The underlying engine is designed to be interface agnostic, supporting custom grammar to enable bespoke implementations of natural language scripting into any platform.

In this demo a browser specific grammar has been loaded, and the above interface allows you to interact with that grammar to run triggers and actions.

The browser grammar for this page can be found here. The implementation code for both this UI and its interaction with the Lenscript engine can be found here.

Refer to the documentation for information.

The following triggers and actions have been implemented:


Trigger Name Description Example
started Fired when the object is created when started
touchStart Fired when the mouse is pressed down on the object when touch started
touchEnd Fired when the mouse was previously held down on the object, and then is released when touched
hoverStart Fired when the mouse enters the objects bounding box when hover started
hovering Fired when the mouse is moved over the object when hovering
hoverEnd Fired when the mouse leaves the objects bounding box when hovered
grabStart Fired when a drag operation starts on the object when grabbed
grabbing Fired while the object is being dragged when grabbing
grabEnd Fired when a drag operation ends on the object when dropped


Action Name Description Parameters Example
remember Saves a value to an objects variable store. This value can only be read by this object name: the name of the variable, value: the value to stored (all values are cast to strings) when touched remember counter 1, remember name Bob
save Saves a value to an global scene variable store. These values can be read by all objects name: the name of the variable, value: the value to stored (all values are cast to strings) when touched remember counter 1, save name Bob
become Transition the object to another state name: the name of the new state when touched then become 2, become second
visibility Set the visibility for the object value: visible or hidden when touched then set visibility hidden
bgColor Set the background color of the object value: hex color, color name, or rgb values separated by a space when touched then set bg color #ff0000, set bg color red, set bg color 255 0 0
textColor Set the text color of the object value: hex color, color name, or rgb values separated by a space when touched then set text color #ff0000, set text color red, set text color 255 0 0
rotation Set the rotation of the object value: the rotation of the object, in degrees when touched then set rotation 45
scale Set the scale of the object value: the scale of the object, as a multiplier (ex: 2 is 2x scale) when touched then set scale 2